Monday, 31 July 2017

Neverwinter Online: Chult Totem Grind

The new campaign for NWO is out and with it comes some really nice looking areas which will be introduced to you in the somewhat lengthy intro quest. You'll also quickly learn that dinos have a big aggro range, Batiri that glow red are very dangerous, to watch your ranged attacks as to not draw unintentional aggro from the densely packed mobs, and to turn away from the giant eye icons above the yuan-ti dancers who can push or pull you into said mobs.

Also, don't piss off the King of Spines. :P

More importantly, you'll also be introduced to the new grind which is that for totems, the currency that unlocks this new campaign. You can only collect 100 per week to begin with but can boost that as you advance. How does one get to the 100 per week though? The Prince in the new hub gives you 6 patrol quest bonus rewards per week, which each give 5 totems, so that's 30 out of the way. His patrol quests (the ones that start from the city) are quite fun too. You might need to wait a few minutes if you finish them too quickly for his quest cycle to restart though.

There's another 20 from a weekly that comes from defeating a rare critter, which randomly spawns in the place of a regular mob. Hopping to a channel with less people gives you a better chance of finding one I feel since I encountered 2 at a very off-peak time. I'll keep an eye on that  and update here if it continues to be the case.

The remainder of the totems will need to come from repeatable quests at Camp Vengeance, giving 5 totems each. There aren't that many variants, but if you are just gunning for totems, the path of least resistance (with or without a party) seems to be "Rescue Templars" and then "Rescue Scouts from Batiri". They're fast, and don't involve fighting your way into (and then out of) one of the many ruins or sanctify spots required from the other quests.

Does that sound boring and repetitive? Yes, but it's also efficient. There might be better options as more quests get unlocked, but for now that is my plan of attack.

Saturday, 29 July 2017


A supernatural ninja who is as brittle as glass.

Aragami is the tale about a vengeful spirit ninja (that's you) who has been summoned to "thwart the bad guys" by spending most of your time on fetch quests. Everything about you is shadow. You can make shadows, teleport to shadows, and hide in shadows which is great for a stealth game - which make no mistake - this is.

Having glowing white lines on your outfit seems a tad counter intuitive.

Conversely your enemies use light. And I don't mean torches. I mean glowing swords, burning arrows, explosive wisps - everything one hit kills you (at least on the hardest mode). Oh, you you also one hit kill everything, or can go the master thief route of not touching anyone which is what I did.

Supposedly you can get other shadow skills too, as I kept finding scrolls of hidden knowledge and shrines to "power up" but the game never gave instruction on how to use them so a bit of a negative there.

The game play itself is fun and the stylistic art is pretty. I didn't mind that all the voice over is in Japanese since there are English subtitles, but the flashback piece meal story while good, was a bit tough to follow.

All up, the game is a good balance of challenge and fun which I can recommend to anyone that likes stealth games. I give it 3.5 bells out of 5.

Friday, 28 July 2017

X-men: Apocalypse

The first mutant... was a Goa'uld! What do you mean no one knows what Star Gate is anymore?

Continuing on from X-men: First Class (which I haven't reviewed, doh!), this is the story of how "the first" mutant, the titular Apocalypse, reappears in the world and then goes about trying to make it a better place... for mutants. So pretty much like any previous X-men movie so far where Magneto is the villain.

They do try to tie it in to a few of the other movies too, with some expected cameos and a healthy dose of hand waving in some parts. All those guys missing from this movie? "We're the only ones left," makes for a nice, vague response.

There is a lot of eye candy and good effects as to be expected with Quicksilver getting the best pieces of the pie, but the plot has some serious holes - bigger than the one Apocalypse crawled out of at the start, and that's even without trying to join this movie to the rest of the franchise.

Alas, poor Yorick. I wish this movie made sense.

Ultimately this outing is an ok action movie, but there are better ones to choose from within the X-men franchise to watch. I give it 2 horsemen out of 5.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Uukrul: The Beacon

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

Sage Sagaris appears while the team are raiding the treasure vaults to remind them they still need to rescue Mara in the Chaos, and to meet him at the Beacon afterwards. Those two are actually teleport stations and so, once loaded up and back at full strength the party ventures to Chaos where they see Mara sleeping in a cage.

There are no enemies here, just a lot of BS teleporters and more up and down access card things. Despite the graphics not being there it begins to dawn on Balthazarr that not all is as it seems, given they are unlocking latches on the roof and other, very mechanical functions before reaching Mara and waking her up by removing the amulet on her chest. She is thankful and takes all of them to the Beacon... which is a control room for a nuke.

That must be the lousiest reward ever.

Mara claims there is only one way to rid the minions and taint of Uukrul once and forever - to ignite the beacon, which will cost everyone their lives for the greater good! She does mention she gave the city a vision to get out five minutes ago,  I suppose that's enough lead time? Lol. Sagaris uses his rod, Mara flips switches, and the last part is for the team to recite the last line of the untranslatable prayer. Balthazarr, Andraste, Helga and Linisha join hands and sing...

Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya!
(that's my translation)

In a blinding flash of light, Uukrul's taint, army, and indeed... the entire mountain was cleansed. From existence. TEAM WIPE VICTORY!

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Uukrul: Master of Hammer

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

A vision of Mara tells the group that they are now at the Palace of Uukrul (despite the graphics looking exactly the same  everywhere) and that they must "arm the beacon". What? Anyway, the initial group of necromancers is easy enough to defeat but wandering the Palace is more about sneaking past the monks, samurais and lamias patrolling the halls.

Oh, so he's a dremora!?

One particular passage guarded by three riddles leads them right into the throne room where Uukrul himself awaits! Using the knowledge gained from the magician's circle, Andraste breaks the glass heart on the floor - preventing Uukrul from fleeing, but that doesn't make the spell casting dremora any less agile with the team struggling to pin him down.

He also regenerates when brought to near death because ... only the relic hammer can kill him! Helga is on the precipice of death, being kept alive only through Linisha's healing hands when Balthazarr finally gets to use the move he has taught so many before... SPIRAL ROCK SMASH! Uukrul's head explodes into tiny, spiraling, giblets as the rest of him falls defeated to the ground. The team rejoice, their exhaustion vanishing as they find Uukrul's treasure chambers which hold a significant trove of treasure!

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Uukrul: The Dark Heart

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

After escaping the pit maze, and the wandering flame spirits within, the team reaches the next sanctuary and returns to town to restock on food (just in time), repair/upgrade gear and level up. Thanks to Helga now having access to more tomes at the magicians circle they learn the relic-hammer is going to be important in the battle against Uukrul so they get that repaired right away.

Lastly, they make a quick pit stop to the urn and unlock it fully, collecting the black, glass heart inside... the Dark Heart of Uukrul! The team then return where they left off, finding themselves in a dark zone which turns out to be Uukrul's barracks. A demon encounter here (posing as a stone heart, the bastard) weakens them significantly, leading to a catastrophic encounter against a large band of patrolling Lamias and giant snakes.

Nabirye sacrifices herself so that her team mates can get away, and in doing so meet Linisha hiding here in the depths. She too was one of Mara's team, and she helps the group reach the next sanctuary that so happens to be past four liches and four specters! Fortunately Helga and Andraste are on the ball with their magic, leading to a well earned victory. Balthazarr can't help but feel more and more useless as the enemies become even more physical resistant.

That should look much scarier than it does.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Uukrul: Snakes and Ladders

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

Beyond the pyramid is a long passage guarded by samurais (sure why not), golems and undead hordes whom get obliterated by Andraste's prayers to Idris. In-joke for Neverwinter Online players there given she's an Undead Queen in that game. This leads to a strange mechanical zone of advanced machinery guarded by more monks.

A vision of Mara suggests the team must use the carriage to proceed. What she doesn't mention is all the back and forthing to lower the water in the flooded levels below, and that the carriage actually runs on electric eel juice. The team slays a whole school of them as well as a pushover demon guarding a broken relic-hammer and a surprise red dragon before hitting the next zone which is full of pits. Which you can climb up and down out of.

Supremely stupid too.

There's much falling and climbing and jumping in this part, and through sheer luck the group runs into a necromancer and a very tough giant guarding another stone heart. Andraste destroys the necromancer with Helga's assistance, while Nabirye almost dies to the giant before Balthazarr can land a killing blow.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Uukrul: Pyramid of Torture

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

The next area past the Jar of Hearts is some sort of pyramid of torture, with few enemies but lots of traps, locks and teleporters. The most annoying one sending the team into a one square prison with absolutely no escape, had they not picked up that "escape medal" earlier. A required key is also in that room so I'm not sure what the designers were thinking...

Helga is vital in using the collected access cards which let the team float up or down the vertical chute, which is a really odd design decision when it comes to non-mages as there are no stairs! Midway they find a dying fighter who claims he was one of Mara's party, saying that she is now a prisoner "in the chaos" and gives Nabirye another stone heart before dying. I wonder where he hid that during his torture? Ewww.

People can be ingenious when it comes to cruelty.

At the very top the team encounter the evil monks again, who are super effective at stunning Balthazarr and Andraste. Fortunately Helga's new "Kunlazar" spell is very handy (large AoE), leading the team to victory and the next sanctuary! As per usual, they then go on a back-track training run with Andraste finally finding Sage Sagaris' black rod which had been missed WAY earlier. Stupid secret doors. They also defeat the white dragon since it gave them time to prepare.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Uukrul: Jar of Hearts

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

Beyond the testing chamber is a small puzzle maze with levers which takes a little trial and error, and manual mapping. The reward is a suspicious urn that holds a black heart. Neither can be taken though, as six heart-shaped latches hold it in place. The stone hearts fit exactly in but they still need three more so they delve deeper and find another sanctuary.

At this point Balthazarr leads the team back to the mirror maze where they discovered that particular monsters always respawn in the same spot. The Krefator is one of them, and between Nabirye and Helga is a one round combat that nets a good XP gain, so after spam killing the acid lizard for awhile they level up a fair bit.

They also find a hidden passage with a long keypad code... Really? A keypad? Fortunately the answer was in the crossword section, so they manage to unlock it and find another stone heart. They also find a white dragon nearby who is polite enough to let them flee via dialogue. They unload the new heart at the urn now only lacking two more.

Your puzzle was a keypad?

Friday, 21 July 2017

Uukrul: Speak Foe and Enter

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

Having completed their training run, the team returns to the mirror maze defeating a fire lizard and finding the plot device mirror which Andraste breaks to reveal a mysterious plaque. The noise attracts a bunch of monks who turn out to be very dangerous, forcing the team to flee to the other end of the mirror maze where a previously locked grate is now open.

Clearly, Uukrul's a dick.

As soon as they step through, Uukrul shows up and shuts it behind them, asking them to beg through the bars if they want it reopened. Balthazarr rejects the offer and instead leads the squad past floating eyes, a giant worm which Helga destroys, and away from the same group of monks - still in slow pursuit - from before!

They reach a room of testing with three paths, one full of locked gates, one with the promise of a fight, and one a dead end with a sign saying that only a single word will open it. Nabirye takes this literally and just says "word", which opens the path. How very modern.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Uukrul: HOYAMOQ!

Part of the Fate of Heroes series - spoilers ahead!

After the close call against Thurazz last time, Balthazarr decides to take the team on an upper level patrol again for experience, and to keep an eye out for stone hearts that they supposedly will need to defeat Uukrul. That last bit of knowledge was courtesy of Helga now being able to access the higher tomes in the magician's circle.

As expected, there is not much that can challenge them now - but through careful navigation and searching they do find secret doors they previously missed (or in two cases, missed due to floor spinners). Secret doors are annoying. Most cannot be forced. A few have levers that open them. Some need a magic word.

For all other times, there's Hoyamoq. A prayer to the god of knowledge. Like most prayers, it doesn't always work and even when it does - you need to repeat it. Many times. So poor Andraste is there praying in front of a wall, reciting "Hoyamoq, hoyamoq, hoyamoq..." over and over until the door opens. Helga found this hilarious, but later on she'd find variations that need the wizard spell "Talis". And yes, it also requires repetition.

So at what point can I just cast fireball or something to explode it open?

Despite the silliness, it's actually quite a productive (albeit long) outing - netting a variety of treasures and three stone hearts!

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Neverwinter Online: The Cloaked Ascendancy

Late review, I was stuck in the Far Realm with these guys...

Given that Tomb of Annihilation (the next module) is just around the corner, this is a very late review for the Cloaked Ascendancy which comes after the terribly grindy Storm King's Thunder. Yes, it was so bad I actually quit Neverwinter for awhile and am now playing catch up.

Fortunately the rag-tag band of mages who have returned from the Far Realm make for interesting adversaries not just mechanically but story wise too. It helps that you get to interact with each of them at least a little bit while going through the story chapters, instead of just having some "bad dude" that you never see waiting at the end of a dungeon that you need to take a deus ex machina from or just murder in general.

Nothing very cloaked about them though.

There is only one new area, the River District, which is not just pretty but very functional in terms of dailies. This cuts down travel time from the last modules grind by a metric ton, since there you were required to venture into 4 zones towards the end. Daily.

Of course the grind is still here too, but at least you have a bit of variety on how you want to fill your "daily bar" in this campaign. It's a mix and match of heroics, dungeons, or capturing and upgrading guard posts. Don't worry, all options still include a copious amount of murder. You can choose to just kill 1000 each day too, but that's a real slog.

If that was brought down to 100, like the stronghold daily, it would be much better (10 times!). The guard posts I mentioned before are a great addition too, unfortunately the logic on them is the reverse on what it should be where players actually benefit -more- if they fall to enemy forces.

Shroud of Souls, the short "finale" of the campaign, holds a few really good adventure segments which I wish there was much more of. Evernight in particular is a faaaaantastic place. A world full of undead where everything is messed up? Now I know where Dark Souls takes place. :P

I have a feeling the Cryptic guys took some inspiration from it.

Definitely one of the better modules for me. Hopefully this continues with the Tomb of Annihilation. We won't have long to find out!

Reviews and Tutorials

Welcome to my "new" reviews and tutorials page! I decided it needed a reboot after the photobucket burn, but all my previous ones are still available here.

PC Game Reviews:
1 Screen Platformer
100 Hidden Frogs
25 Layers of Pain
3 out of 10
3 O'Clock Horror
41 Hours Prologue
Absolute Drift: Zen Edition
Accident - the Pilot
AER: Memories of Old
Aerial_Knight's Never Yield
After School Murder Club!!
Against all Odds
Agent of Chaos
Air Attack
Akalabeth: World of Doom
Alan Wake: American Nightmare
Alba - A Wildlife Adventure 
Alien: Isolation
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Alpaca Stacka
Alpha Deck
Amarok Dreams
Amnesia: The Dark Descent / Justine
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Amnesia: Rebirth
Among the Sleep
Among Us
Anarchy Wolf's Law Prologue
Ancient Enemy
Andromeda 2 Zombies
Andromeda Zombies Colonies
Anodyne 2: Return to Dust
Another Sight: Hodge's Journey 
Antstream Arcade
Ape Out
Arc Apellago
Arcade Paradise
ARK Survival Evolved
Art of Fury
Art of Rally
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed: Unity
Astro Duel II
Astro Sentai Jarbonder
Astroneer (Alpha)
Alone (Free)
The Alto Collection
Aven Colony
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
Baby Coyote
Back 4 Blood
Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Ball Adventure Ball Simulator
Ball at Work
Barn Finders - the Pilot
Batman: Arkham Knight
Battle Brothers 
The Battle for Wesnoth
Bear and Breakfast 
Behind the Frame
Beneath a Steel Sky
Berserk: Band of the Hawk
The Big Con
Big Klondike
Bite Sized Puzzle
Black Book
Black Widow: Recharged
Blair Witch
Blazing Sails
Blood Spear
Bloons TD
Bounty Below
The Bridge
Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead
Bridge of Dawn
Bubble People
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of the Sea
Callisto Protocol
The Captain
Captain Bones
Cardiac Unrest
Cat Quest
Cat Quest II
Cave Story+
Chenso Club
Chess Ultra
Centipede: Recharged
Century: Age of Ashes
Chernobyl Liquidators Simulator Demo
Circus Electrique
Cities: Skylines
City of Brass
City of Gangsters
Clash of Legions
Clay Game
Close to the Sun 
Cloud Climber
Codename TIARAS
Cognition Method Initiation
Collision Hero
Color Phase
Coloring Game 4
The Colossus is Coming
Command and Conquer
Command and Conquer: Generals
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command and Conquer: Renegade
Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Commie Killer 2069
Consternation II
Contraband Police Prologue
Cook Serve Delicious 3
Costume Quest
Costume Quest 2 
Cover Fire
Covid Chaos
Creature in the Well
Cris Tales
Cry of Fear
Crying Suns
Crystal Call
Crystal Maidens
Cuboid Bouncer
Cursed to Golf
CYGNI: All Guns Blazing
Dairy Dave
Dandara: Trials of Fear
Dark and Darker
Dark Fracture Prologue
The Darkest Tales
Dash Lamb
Data Jack
Dawn of War II
Dead by Daylight
Dead Horizon
Dear Future
Death Coming
Deathly Stillness
Death's Gambit Afterlife
The Debug
Deceive Inc
Deep Night Detective
Deepest Sword
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Deliver Us Mars
Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure
Demon's Tilt
Deponia: The Complete Journey
Destined to Die
Destiny Island
Devolverland Expo
Digital Expo Center
Digital Zoo Gallery
Dinner with an Owl
Demon Turf Trials
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Dishonored 2
Divine Knockout
The Division 2
DNF Duel
Dodge It!
Dodo Peak
Doggone Hungry
Doom Eternal
Doomdark's Revenge 
Doors: Paradox 
Doorways - Old Prototype
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: a Whirlwind Heist
The Dream Libra Had
Dream Dasher
Drone Racing League Simulator
Dungeon Delver
The Dungeon of Neheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos
Dungeons 3
EFO - Escape from Outerworld
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
Enter the Gungeon 
Enter the Matrix
Eronoctosis Put Yourself together
Escape Academy
Escape From Planet Aelea
Escape the Clinic
Escape the Underground
The Escapists
The Escapists 2
Etched Memories Demo
Eternal Cave Escape
Eternal Dreamers
Eternal Evil Prologue
Eternal Threads
Europa Universalis II
Europa Universalis IV
Evergate Ki's Awakening
Evil Dead: the Game
Evil Genius
Evil Genius 2: World Domination
Evil Inside
The Evil Within
The Evil Within 2
Eximius: Sieze the Frontline
The Falconeer
The Fall
The Fallen
Family Man
Farming Engine
Farming Simulator 19
Fear Protocol Codename Omega
Fear Protocol Shadow Paradigm

FEAR: Perseus Mandate
Fears to Fathom Episode 1 
Fights in Tight Spaces Prologue
Finding Paradise
Firestone: Online Idle RPG
First Class Trouble
FIST - Forged in Shadow Torch
The First Tree 
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Floppy Knights
Flower Girl
Flyland Wars 0 Ball Game [Trainer]
Football Manager 2020 
The Forest Quartet
Forgotten Journey
Fortuito Lost History
Frame of Mind
Freshly Frosted
Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle
Freaky Clown Town Mystery
From the Grave
From the Shadows
Fruit Hunter
Future Fortune
Galactic Civilizations III
Game for Anna
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Digital)
Geneforge I Mutagen
Genshin Impact
Get Out!
The Ghost Cage
Ghost College
Ghostbusters (2009)
Ghostrunner II
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Ghostwire: Tokyo - Prelude
Girl's Lovecast
Gloomhaven (Digital)
Go Home, Mr. Fisk!
Goblin Dungeoneer
Goblin Stone Demo
God's Trigger
Gods will Fall
Godfall Challenger Edition
Godlike Burger
Golden Light
Gone Home
Goodnight, Lily
Gordon Adventure
Gravity Bone
Greedy Goblin
Greed Knights
Grim Fandango (Remastered)
Grow Defense
GTFO (Early Access) 
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
Guacamelee! 2 

Guild of Dungeoneering

Gun Witch
GunBlocks Prologue
Hair of the Dog
Halcyon 6
Hand of Fate 2
Hard Tapes
He Needs His Medicine
Heart of Enya
Helix Slider
Hell is Other Demons
Hell is Others
Hell Let Loose
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 
Helldivers 2
Hello Guest, Hello Neighbor 2 pre-alpha
Hidden Dream
Hidden Lands
The Hidden Room
High Entropy Challenges
Hitman (2016)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman Absolution
Hog Hunter 2021
Hollow Mind the Lost Puppy
Honkai: Star Rail
Hood: Outlaws & Legends
Horizon Chase Turbo
Hot Wheels Unleashed
House Builder First Job
Human Resource Machine
Hundred Days: Wine Making Simulator 

Hyperlight Drifter
Ice Demon
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
Idle Pins
Impostor Factory
I'm Strongest Legend
In Sound Mind
Incremental Epic Hero
Inner Space
Into the Breach
Into the dangerous world I leapt
Invincible Presents: Atom Eve
Iraq War
Iratus: Lord of the Dead
Iron Man (2008)
Is It Wrong to Try to Shoot 'em Up Girls in a Dungeon
IWOCon Digital Convention
Jack Axe the Trial
Jetscout Boot Camp
Jill of the Jungle
Jurassic World Evolution 
Just a game to test your IQ
Just Cause 4
Just Die Already
Kardboard Kings
Kerbal Space Program
Kill Knight
Killing Floor 2
The King of Fighters 2002
Kingdom: Classic
Kingdom: New Lands

Kingdom Fall Dawn of the Druid
The Kite
Knockout City
Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo Demo
Lab Rags
Larry the Unlucky Part 1 and Part 2
Last Message
Last Soul
The Last Stand: Aftermath
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear 2 
Learn Game Development, Unity Code Monkey
Leave the Red
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Lethal League
Liberate Hong Kong (Demo)
Lifeless Planet
The Lion's Song
Little Inferno
The Little Red Lie
Little Traveler

The Long Dark
A Long Time
Loop Hero
Lords of Midnight
Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria
Lost Castle
Low Light Combat
Lure of the Temptress
Lycanthorn & Lycanthorn II Reign of Beasts
Mages of Mystralia
Magic Legends
Maid of Sker
Mandew vs the Colorless Curse
Markus Ritter - The Lost Family
Martian Dreams
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's Midnight Suns
Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries 
Melvor Idle
The Messenger
Metro 2033 Redux
Metro Exodus 
Mi Scusi
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mirlo Above the Sun
Monster Adventure
The Most Boring Game Ever
Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord (Early Access)
Mount Serenity
Moving Out
Mrs. Santa's Gift Hunt
Murder by Numbers
My Journey to your world
My Singing Monsters
My Time at Portia
NBA 2K21
Neeron the Blade of Nature
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
Neverwinter Online: The Cloaked Ascendancy
Neverwinter Online: Draconic Rage (and Siege lock)
Neverwinter Online: Dragonbone Vale
Neverwinter Online: Dragonslayer
Neverwinter Online: The Heart of Fire
Neverwinter Online: Infernal Descent 
Neverwinter Online: The Lost City of Omu
Neverwinter Online: The New Workshop is STUPID
Neverwinter Online: The Path of the Fallen
Neverwinter Online: The Rage of Bel 
Neverwinter Online: Ravenloft First Impressions
Neverwinter Online: Ravenloft
Neverwinter Online: The Redeemed Citadel 
Neverwinter Online: Sharandar Episode 1 - The Iron Tooth
Neverwinter Online: Sharandar Episode 2 - The Lazy Devs
Neverwinter Online: Sharandar Episode 3 - The Odious Court
Neverwinter Online: Tomb of Annihilation 
Neverwinter Online: Undermountain
Neverwinter Online Uprising: In Space, there is NOTHING
Next up Hero
A Night in the Woods
Night in Riverager

Nuclear Throne
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty 
The Office Simulation
Offworld Trading Company 
OMFG One Million Fatal Guns
One Dreamer Prologue
Orange Cast
Orcs Must Die 3
Ori and the Blind Forest
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
Out of Line
The Outer Worlds
Outliver - Tribulation
Overlord 2
Paint Chips
PC Building Simulator
Perfect Vermin
Phantom Project
The Picture in the House
The Pillars of the Earth
Pixel Art Coloring Book
Pixel Poops
A Plague Tale: Innocence
The Plane Effect Prologue
The Plane Effect
Pocket Plants
Postal 2 
Power of Ten Demo
Prey (2017)
Priest Simulator
Prison Architect
Project Exhibited
Project Hive
Project Kat
Project Morpheus Prologue
Project: Snowblind  
Puzzle Box Palace
Quiet Godo
Quiet Thoughts
Raging Ball
Railway Empire
Ransack Racoon
A Raven Monologue
Rawmen: Food Fighter Arena
Rebel Galaxy
Recipe for Disaster
Recursive Hate
Red Button
Redout - Enhanced Edition
Redout II
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 0

Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil: Village
RE: Verse
Rhythm Brawl
Rise of Humanity Prologue
Rise of Industry
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rising Hell
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Rival Rampage
Rocket Bots
Rogue Company
Rogue Legacy
Rogue Planet 1 - Golden Hour
Roller Riot
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
Ruff Night at the Gallery
Sail Forth
Saints Row (2022)
Saints Row 2
Saints Row the Third
Saints Row IV
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
Salt and Sanctuary
Samurai Shampoo
Samurai Shodown - NeoGeo Collection
Sanctum 2
Sang-Froid: A Tale of Werewolves
Satellite Reign
The Savage Empire 
Saving Punyville
The Scary Square
SCP: Secret Laboratory
Sea of Roses
Secrets of the Lost Tomb
Second Extinction (Early Access)
Security Guy vs AI
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Severed Steel
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Shadowrun: Hong Kong

The Shape of Time
Shatter Keep
Shattered Slime
Sherlock Holmes Crimes & Punishments
Ship Graveyard Simulator Prologue
Shop Titans
A Short Hike 
Shotgun Witch
Shrine and Shrine 2
Shu's Misfortune
The Silent Age
Silent Dream
Sillyfun Valley
Sims 3 
Sins of a Solar Empire
Siren Head & Siren Head Awakening
Sky Force Reloaded
Slain - Back from Hell
Slay the Dragon!
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
Slow and Steady
Snakebird Complete
Sniper Elite 4
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts
Sonic Mania
Soul Dossier
Souls of the Wind
Space Merchant
Space Survival
Space Warfare
Spaceship Visual Effect Graph Demo
The Spectrum Retreat
Speed Brawl
Spell Drifter
The Spirit and the Mouse
Spirit of the North
Sprite Sequence Chapter 1
Squadron 51 Prologue
Squared Up
Stan Lee's Verticus
The Stanley Parable
Star Vortex
Stay in the Light
Steel Salvo
Stellar Raid
Stick it to the Man 
A Story about my Uncle
Stranded Deep
Strange Brigade
Stranger Things 3 (The Game)
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse
Submerged: Hidden Depths
SUM Slay Uncool Monsters
Sundered: Eldrich Edition
Sunless Sea
Sunrider: The Mask of Arcadius
Super Crazy Rhythm Castle 
Super Meat Boy Forever
Super Raft Boat

Superbrothers: Sword & Swordcery
The Supper
Supreme Commander
Survival Engine
Survival Horror #8,436
Survival in Africa
Surviving the Aftermath (footnote) (actual game)
Surviving Mars
Suspicious Downpour
Swallow the Blue Remastered
Sword Legacy: Omen
Tales of the Neon Sea
Tales from Yeoldeburg
Tandem: A Tale of Shadows
Tanks the Crusades
Templar Battleforce
Terraforming Mars (Digital)
tERRORbane - an introduction, mostly
The Textorcist
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Them's Fightin' Herds
There is No Game
Three of Cards
Ticket to Ride
Tile Runner
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragonkeep (Wonderlands One-Shot Adventure)
Titanfall 2
To Hell With It
Toast Defense
Toejam and Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider (2013)
Tomb Rumble
Tormentor x Punisher
A Total War Saga: Troy 
Total War: Warhammer
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator
Touhou Block Fall
TowerFall: Ascension Dark World
Town of Salem II
Toy Tinker Simulator - BETA
Toy Tinker Simulator
Train Sim World 2
Train Valley 2
Treasure of Barracuda
Treasure Adventure Game
Tree Trunk Brook
Triple Builder

Tropico 5
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Typing Incremental
Tyrian 2000
U Evade
Ultreia Prologue
UNBEATABLE [White Label]
Unforgettable You
Unity Invaders
Universe at War: Earth Assault
Unnecessary Evil
Unsung Kingdom
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Vectromirror 0
Vedelem - the Golden Horde
Victoria Clair and the Mystery Express
Video World
Virtual Exhibition
Void Bastards
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead Season 2
The Walking Dead Season 3 A New Frontier
The Walking Dead Season 4 The Final Season

Warframe Market (fan site)
Wargame: Red Dragon
War Wind
Warhammer 40K: Darktide
Warhammer 40K: Gladius - Relics of War
Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus
Warhammer 40K: Rites of War
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Warlock Bentspine
We're All Going to Die!
What Never Was
Wheels of Aurelia
When the Past was Around
When the Past was Around - Prologue
Where the Water tastes like Wine
While True (Learn)
Wild Card Football
Wild Cat Gun Machine
Wild Dive
Wild Dose First Session
Wilmot's Warehouse
Witch It
Wizard of Legend
The Wolf Among Us 
Wolfenstein (2009)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolverine: X-men Origins
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
World of Warships
Worn Thin
The World Next Door
World War Z
Yellow and Yangtze (Digital)
Yoku's Island Express
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Zombie Army Trilogy
Zombie Gunship Survival
Zombie Hunter

Movie Reviews:
12 Strong
6 Days
A Million Ways to Die in the West
A Quiet Place I and II
The Accountant
The Adam Project
Air (2023)
Airplane! (1980)
Aladdin (2019)
Alien: Covenant
Alita: Battle Angel
All Quiet on the Western Front
Altered Carbon: Resleeved
Angel has Fallen
Ant Man and the Wasp
Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Army of the Dead
Assassin's Creed
Asterix and Obelix: The Middle Kingdom
Atlantic Rim: Resurrection
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avengers: Endgame 
Avengers: Infinity War
The Bag Man
The Batman
Batman Begins
Batman Ninja
Batman: the Doom that came to Gotham
Batman: Soul of the Dragon
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beyond Skyline 
Bird Box
Bird Box Barcelona

Birds of Prey
Black Adam
The Black Demon
Black Panther
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Black Widow
Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner 2049
Blood Red Sky
Blue Beetle (2023)
Brotherhood of the Wolf
Bogota: City of the Lost
Boyka: Undisputed
The Butterfly Effect
Captain Marvel
Carry On
Changing Lanes
Chernobyl 1986
Chronicles of Riddick
Circle (2015)
The Cloverfield Paradox
Code 8
Code 8 Part II
Constantine: City of Demons
Coyote Ugly
Criminal (2016)
The Croods
The Croods: A New Age
Dark Phoenix
The Dark Crystal
The Dark Tower 
The Dead Don't Die
Deadpool 2
Deadpool & Wolverine
Death Note (2017)  
Definitely, Maybe
Den of Thieves 
Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
The Dry
Dune (2021)
Dune: Part 2
Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Dynasty Warriors
Enola Holmes 
Enola Holmes 2
The Equalizer
The Equalizer 3
Escape Room
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Extraction 2
F9 (Fast and Furious 9)
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Fast X 
The Fate of the Furious
First Kill
The First Purge
Fistful of Vengeance
The Flash (2023)
The Foreigner
The Forever Purge
Free Guy
Full Metal Alchemist (2017)
Full Metal Alchemist: The Final Alchemy
Full Metal Alchemist: Scar's Revenge
Gemini Man
Get Smart (2008)
Glass (2019)
Glass Onion
Gods of Egypt
Godzilla: King of Monsters
Godzilla Minus One
Godzilla vs Kong
Golden Kamuy
The Great Wall 
The Greatest Beer Run Ever
The Gray Man
Green Lantern: Beware my Power
Green Snake
The Grey
Guardians of the Galaxy: Holiday Special
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3
Guy Ritchie's The Covenant
Hacksaw Ridge
The Head Hunter
Heart of Stone
Hit Man (2023)
The Hitman's Bodyguard
Hobbs & Shaw
Hold the Dark 
Hotel Mumbai
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay
The Ice Road
Illang: The Wolf Brigade
In Time
In the Heart of the Sea
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus
The Invisible Guest
The Irishman 
John Wick: Chapter 2 
John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum
John Wick: Chapter 4
Jojo Rabbit
Jumanji: The Next Level

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Jungle Book (2016) 
Jurassic World: Dominion
Jurassic World 2: Fallen Kingdom
Justice League
Justice League Dark
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
The Killer
Kindness Matters
The King (2019)
King Arthur (2017)
Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle
Knights (1993)
Knives Out
Knock at the Cabin
Kong: Skull Island
Kung Fu Panda 3
Kung Fu Panda 4
Kung Fu Yoga 
Labyrinth (1986)  
The Last Airbender (Live Action)
The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die
Leave the World Behind
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Legion of Super-Heroes (2023)
The LEGO Batman Movie
The Little Mermaid (2018)
The Little Mermaid (2023)
London has Fallen
The Lost City (2022)
Mad Max (1979)
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome (1985)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Mafia Mamma
Major Grom: Plague Doctor
The Man with the Iron Fists
The Marksman
The Marvels
Mary Magdalene
The Matrix Resurrections
Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Mazinger Z: Infinity
The Midnight Sky 
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
The Misfits
Mission Impossible: Fallout 
Monster Hunter
Mortal Engines
Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms
Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge
The Mountain Between Us
The Mummy (2017) 
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
My Son
New Gods: Nezha Reborn
The New Mutants
No Time to Die
Northmen - A Viking Saga
Now You See Me 2
Officer Black Belt
The Old Guard 
Olympus has Fallen
Ong Bak
Outlaw King
The Outpost (2020)
Outside the Wire
Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim: Uprising

Pitch Black
Playing with Fire
Point Break (1991 and 2015)
Pokemon: Detective Pikachu
Prey (2022)
The Princess Bride
Project A 
The Purge
The Purge: Anarchy
The Purge: Election Year

Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

The Queen
Rambo: Last Blood
Ray Donovan
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ready Player One
Rebel Moon
Rebel Moon - Part 2: The Scargiver
Red Notice
Red Sparrow
Rescued by Ruby
Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City
The Revenant
Romeo must Die 
Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning
Rurouni Kenshin: The Final
Rush Hour 3
SAS: Rise of the Black Swan
Savage Dog 
The School of Good and Evil
Scream (2022)
Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Shin Gojira  
The Siege of Jadotville
The Silence
Silverton Siege
/ Skylin3s
Snake Eyes
Society of the Snow
Son of God
The Sound of Music
Spectral (2016)
Spiderman: Far from Home 
Spiderman: Homecoming
Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse
Spiderman: No Way Home
Spine of the Night 
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
State of Play
Strange Magic 
Suicide Squad
The Suicide Squad
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Superman: The Death of Superman
Superman: Red Son
Superman: Reign of the Supermen 
Terminator: Dark Fate
Testament: The Story of Moses
Thor: Love and Thunder
Thor: Ragnarok 
Time Raiders
The Tomorrow War
Top Gun: Maverick
Train to Busan
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Trigger Warning
Triple Threat
The Two Popes 
Under Paris
Uprising (2024)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Venom - Let there be Carnage
Violent Night
The Vow
Warcraft (2016)
Werewolf by Night
What We Do In The Shadows 
White House Down
Wind River 
The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf
Without Remorse
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman 1984
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
X-men: Apocalypse 
Zhong  Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal
ZOM 100: Bucket List of the Dead

TV, Anime and Mini Series Reviews:
The 100
3 Body Problem (Season 1)
7 Seeds
Agent Carter
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ahsoka (Season 1)
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in Borderland
The Alienist
All of Us are Dead (Season 1)
All the Light We Cannot See
Altered Carbon
American Primeval
Andor (Season 1)
Arcane: League of Legends
Attack on Titan
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Season 1)
Berlin (Season 1)
Black Mirror
Black Sails
The Blacklist
Blacklist: Redemption
Bloodhounds (Season 1)
Blue Eye Samurai (Season 1)
Blue Lock (Season 1)
The Bodyguard
The Book of Boba Fett
Cagaster of an Insect Cage
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix (Season 1)
Castlevania: Nocturne (Season 1)
Chainsaw Man (Season 1)
Chernobyl (HBO Series)
The Chosen
Citadel (Season 1)
Citadel: Diana (Season 1)
Cloak and Dagger
Cobra Kai 
Conan the Adventurer
The Continental (Season 1)
Cowboy Bebop
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Danger 5
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
The Days
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
The Defenders 
Designated Survivor
Dexter and Dexter: New Blood 
The Diplomat (Season 1)
Doom Patrol
Dota: Dragon's Blood
Dragon Age: Absolution (Season 1)
Dragon's Dogma
Dragons: Defenders of Berk / Race to the Edge 
Drifting Dragons
El Cid
Exception (Season 1)
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
The Fall of House Usher
Fallout (Season 1)
Fate: The Winx Saga
Fear the Walking Dead
Fear the Walking Dead: The Althea Tapes
Fear the Walking Dead: Passage
Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 426
The Final Table
The Flash (2014)
The Foundation (Seasons 1-2)
Freedom Fighters: The Ray
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Season 1)
From (Season 1)
Furies (Season 1)
Game of Thrones
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
Gyeongseong Creature (Season 1)
Goblin Slayer
Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown
God of Highschool
Golden Kamuy 2
The Good Place
Guardians of Justice
Hazbin Hotel (Season 1)
Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku (Season 1)
Helluva Boss (Seasons 1-2)
Honey Bunny (Season 1)
House of the Dragon (Season 1)
House of Ninjas (Season 1)
Hunted: Australia (Seasons 1-3)
Iron Fist
The Irregulars
Jack Ryan
Jessica Jones
The Joy of Painting
Jujutsu Kaisen (Seasons 1-2) and 0 (movie)
Jupiter's Legacy
Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War
Kingdom (Korean)
La Casa de Papel (Money Heist)
La Revolution
The Last Kingdom
The Last Ship
Legend of the Seeker
Lego Masters Australia
Lego Masters Australia: Grandmasters (Season 5)
Lioness (Seasons 1-2)
Locke & Key
Loki (Season 1)
Lost Girl
The Lost Pirate Kingdom
Love, Death + Robots
Luke Cage
Madam Secretary
Made in Abyss (Seasons 1-2 + Dawn of the Deep Soul)
The Magicians
Make My Day (Season 1)
Making It
Man vs Bee
The Mandalorian (Seasons 1-3)
Marco Polo
Mare of Easttown
Marvel's Runaways 
Mashle: Magic and Muscles (Season 1)
Masterchef Australia Season 12
Masters of the Universe: Revelation and Revolution
Megalobox 2: Nomad
Midnight Mass
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Moon Knight
Ms. Marvel (Season 1)
The Night Agent (Season 1)
Ninja Kamui (Season 1)
Oats Studios
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obliterated (Season 1)
One Piece (Live Action - Season 1)
The Originals 
Orphan Black
Orphan Black: Echoes
Our Flag Means Death (Seasons 1-2)
The Outpost
Pacific Rim: The Black
Paradise (Season 1)
Pariah Nexus
Peacemaker (Season 1)
Peaky Blinders
The Penguin (Season 1)
Penny Dreadful
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels
Physical 100 (Seasons 1-2)
The Punisher
The Purge
The Queen's Gambit
Rabbit Hole
Ray Donovan
Reality Z
Resident Evil (Season 1 - Netflix)
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness
Rings of Power (Season 1)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman
Roman Empire 
The Sandman (Season 1)
Scavengers Reign
Seal Team
Secret Invasion 
Shadow and Bone
The Shannara Chronicles 
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
The Silent Sea (Season 1)
Skull Island
Solo Leveling (Season 1)
Space: Above and Beyond
Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge (Season 1)
Squid Game (Korean) 
Squid Game: The Challenge (Season 1)
The Strain
Strike Back 
Strong Girl Bong-soon (Korean)
Strong Girl Nam-soon (Korean Season 1)
Swamp Thing
Sweet Home (Season 1)
Sweet Tooth
Tales of the Walking Dead
Tales From the Loop
Tekken: Bloodlines (Season 1)
Terra Formars 
Territory (Season 1)
The Terminal List (Season 1)
The Terror (Season 1)
The Terror: Infamy (Season 2) 
Testament: The Story of Moses  
Thieves of the Wood
Those about to Die
Titans (2018)
Troy: Fall of a City
Ultimate Beastmaster
Umbrella Academy
The Vampire Diaries
Vikings: Valhalla
Walker (2021)
Walker: Independence (Season 1)
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead: Cold Storage
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
The Walking Dead: Dead City
The Walking Dead: The Oath
The Walking Dead: The Ones who Live
The Walking Dead: Red Machete
The Walking Dead: Torn Apart

The Walking Dead: World Beyond
Warrior Nun
Wednesday (Season 1)
What if...?
Wheel of Time
Willow (Season 1)
The Winchesters (Season 1)
The Witcher
The Witcher: Blood Origin
The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep
Wiedzmin (Polish)
World Without End
Wu Assassins
Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune (Season 1)
Yuyu Hakusho (Season 1)
Zero Day (Season 1)
ZOM 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Season 1)

Board and Card Game Reviews:
Adventure Games: The Dungeon
Against all Evil
Atlantis Rising
Black Orchestra
BraveRats (card game system)
Carnival of Monsters
Carnival Zombie 2nd Edition
Castle Panic (and Wizard's Tower, Dark Titan, and Engines of War)
Castle Ravenloft
The Creature of Murky Country
The Crew: Mission Deep Sea
Cthulhu: Death May Die
Dark Souls: The Card Game
Dead Men Tell no Tales
Dog Man - Attack of the Fleas
Dorf Romantik
El Grande - Big Box Edition
Escape from Colditz
EXIT: The Game - The Pharaoh's Tomb
Exploding Kittens
Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats 
Five Minute Dungeon
Forbidden Island
Forbidden Sky
Forgotten Waters 
Fox in the Forest Duet
Game of Thrones: Intrigue
A Gentle Rain
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion 
The Grizzled
Horrified: American Monsters
Horrified: Custom Monsters I - Forgotten Classics
Horrified: Custom Monsters II - Modern Horror
Horrified: Custom Monsters III - Modern Horror Continued
Horrified: Custom Monsters IV - Michael Myers and Dorian Gray
House of Danger
Just One
Kalia's Cleansing
Kenny G: Keepin' it Saxy
King of Monster Island
Kiri-ai: The Duel
Last Bastion
Legends of Andor
London Dread
Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-Earth
Love Letter
Magic Maze
Marvel United
Marvel United: Xmen

Maximum Apocalypse
Mice and Mystics
Mice and Mystics: Downwood Tales
Mice and Mystics: The Heart of Glorm
MicroMacro: Crime City
The Mind
Mists Over Carcassonne
Mole Rats in Space
Monopoly Deal Card Game
Monopoly Mega Edition
The Night Cage
Organ Attack
OSMO Detective Agency
Pandemic: Fall of Rome  
Pandemic: Iberia  
Pandemic: In the Lab
Pandemic: State of Emergency

Pop N Hop
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island
Secret Code
Shadows Over Camelot
Sniper Elite: The Board Game
Squid Game: Let the Games Begin
Stardew Valley
Sword and Sorcery: Immortal Souls
Thousand Year Old Vampire
Tindalos RPG
Tomb of Annihilation
Unicornus Knights
Uno No Mercy
Uno Stacko
Viticulture World: Cooperative Expansion
Waterdeep: The Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Wingspan + Oceania + Fan Coop
The Witching Hour (mod for the Witcher Adventure Game) 
The Wizard's Test RPG
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Zombicide: Black Plague
Zombie in my Pocket (Single Player) 

Other Reviews:
Air Supplies (Active & Co Airbed)
Ovation of the Seas (Cruise)
Tefal Cook 4 Me = Fire Hazzard
Tesla Model 3

Tutorials and Tips:
Fit more into your day: Watch at 1.5x!
"Solved" Board Games
Warframe: Exploiter Orb
Warframe: Solo Thermia Fractures
Warframe: Archons of the New War
Warframe: Solaris United Standing
Remnant: From the Ashes
GTFO: How to handle Scouts
GTFO: ALT R1A1 - The Admin
GTFO: ALT R1B1 - PID Search
GTFO: ALT R1B2 - The Officer
GTFO: ALT R1C1 - Reconnect
GTFO: ALT R1C2 - Decode
GTFO: ALT R1D1 - Deeper
GTFO: ALT R2A1 - The Dig
GTFO: ALT R2B1 - Sacrifice
GTFO: ALT R2B2 - Power Corrupts
GTFO: ALT R2B3 - Pathfinder
GTFO: ALT R2B4 - Septic
GTFO: ALT R2C1 - Triangulation
GTFO: ALT R2C2 - ???
GTFO: ALT R3A1 - Resucitation
GTFO: R3A1 - Resuscitation
GTFO: R3A2 - Purification
GTFO: R3A3 - Bolt
GTFO: R3B1 - Threshold (Part I)
GTFO: R3B1 - Threshold (Part II)
GTFO: R3B1 - Threshold (Part III)
GTFO: R4A1 - Cytology (Normal) 
GTFO: R4A1 - Cytology (Extreme)
GTFO: R4A2 - Foster (Normal)
GTFO: R4A2 - Foster (Extreme)
GTFO: R4A2 - Foster (Overload)
GTFO: R4A3 - Onwards (Normal)
GTFO: R4A3 - Onwards (Extreme)
GTFO: R4B1 - Malachite (Normal)
GTFO: R4B2 - Variscite (Normal)
GTFO: R4B3 - Chrysolite (Normal)
GTFO: R4C1 - Cognition (Normal)
GTFO: R4C2 - Pabulum (Normal)
GTFO: R4D1 - Nucleus (Normal - Part I)
GTFO: R4D1 - Nucleus (Normal - Part II)
GTFO: R4D1 - Nucleus (Normal - Part III)
GTFO: R5A1 - Floodways (Normal)
GTFO: R5A1 - Floodways (Extreme)
GTFO: R5A2 - Recollect (Normal)
GTFO: R5A2 - Recollect (Extreme)
GTFO: R5A2 - Recollect (Overload)
GTFO: R5A3 - Mining (Normal)
GTFO: R5B1 - Smother (Normal)
GTFO: R5B2 - Discharge (Normal)
GTFO: R6A1 - Artifact 7 (Main)
GTFO: R6B1 - Hexahedrons (Main)
GTFO: R6B2 - Contaminant (Main)
GTFO: R6B2 - Contaminant (Secondary)
GTFO: R6BX - Dust (Main)
GTFO: R6C1 - Navigation (Main)
GTFO: R6C2 - Blind (Main)
GTFO: R6C3 - Pressure Point (Main)
GTFO: R6C3 - Pressure Point (Overload)
GTFO: R6CX - Flux (Main)
GTFO: R6D1 - Nemesis (Main)
GTFO: R6D2 - Crossways (Main)
GTFO: R7A1 - Unit 23 (Main)
GTFO: R7B1 - Cargo (Main)
GTFO: R7B2 - Dense (Main)
Mechwarrior 5: Twenty Tips
Neverwinter Online: Four Life Hacks
Neverwinter Online: Hell Pit - Lazy Rogue Guide
Sekiro: You're gonna die more than Twice - Boss Fight Tips (Part VI)
Sekiro: You're gonna die more than Twice - Boss Fight Tips (Part V)
Sekiro: You're gonna die more than Twice - Boss Fight Tips (Part IV)
Sekiro: You're gonna die more than Twice - Boss Fight Tips (Part III)
Sekiro: You're gonna die more than Twice - Boss Fight Tips (Part II)
Sekiro: You're gonna die more than Twice - Boss Fight Tips (Part I)
Sekiro: You're gonna die more than Twice - Newbie Tips!
Couch Co-op Replacement / Starter Co-op Boardgames
Sheet Music Printing Tip
Neverwinter Online: Gold Bars 
Neverwinter Online: Faster Weeklies in Barovia
Printed Cartography Tip
Sniper Elite 4 - Five Easy Tips 
Neverwinter Online: How to avoid Fall damage
Neverwinter Online: Chult Totem Grind
Siege of Neverwinter Voucher Tutorial 
Windows 10 Emoji Trick

