Sunday 24 December 2023

Eternal Threads

Time travel is real, and as a designated time traveler you are tasked with returning to the past to save six people who died in a house fire.  In this game the traveling is not how you might imagine it as you aren't actually physically going into the past, you instead have a device that sees what happened in certain locations previously and can influence the decisions made by those six people over the course of a week.

While it certainly is an odd concept to get used to, the first person aspect coupled with the timeline view finder really works at telling the story of what happened here. Excellent writing and good characters get you invested in short order and in case you wanted to do the "really hard mode", you can try find the sequence of events that not only saves all six people but gives them their "best" lives. Once you get going this becomes a fun and not too difficult see-saw of actions and consequences. A surprisingly good one for me, recommended!

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