Wednesday 3 January 2024

Art of Rally and Melvor Idle

Two games that aren't for me.

Art of Rally

Regular readers know I'm not one for racing games to begin with, and while this blocky styled, pastel colored racer has some nice scenery (I'm not a fan of the block people though) it does suffer an interesting problem, which is you never have opponent cars on the track with you. While I guess that keeps it true to simply fighting the clock, it does seem a bit more boring than other racing games I've tried, even if I was just as bad at those!

Melvor Idle

This entire game reminds me of those old frame based websites where you have a left hand frame that holds your stats and main navigation to do stuff like lumber or smithing, which then opens up a page on the right that simply presents your options as large tiles. Click on start chopping trees and it just loops, giving you x resource every x elapsed time. Click something else and you stop chopping trees and doing that other thing... and that's it. That's the whole game. No sound or music and very little in the way of graphics. Not sure who the intended audience was for this one but I'm certainly not numbered among them!

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