Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Silo and 3%

TV Series set after a cataclysm.


Ten thousand people live in an underground silo and they don't know why, or for how long, or much of anything really - and that is the main initial hook of this sci-fi show: watching how these micro-managed citizens deal with finding out truths of their existence. Very cool ideas, setting, world building and story but for some viewers (like myself) there might be a few "supply" issues that may never be addressed. Still one I'm a fan of and am eagerly awaiting season 3!


In this four season Brazilian series everyone lives in a literal hole of poverty but every year, all 20 year olds have an opportunity to take "the Process" to prove they are the best of the crop and the top 3% will be taken away to live on an island paradise. This way of life has both made a church that worships the 3% "gods" and a rebellion that feels it isn't fair to everyone else for so few to have so much. A very cool idea with excellent characters and character growth only marred by clear budget constraints on their CGI effects (oh, and a few very silly scenes that need to be viewed for best "enjoyment"). If you can look past those, then this is a very entertaining series to watch.

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