Monday 3 April 2023

Waiting for Duviri: The Ninth Nuggets

Yeah, I am aware my titles are getting sillier. Today's set is another random group of games!

Hood - Outlaws & Legends

A four player cooperative medieval heist game where archer Robin, ninja Marianne, hammer warrior John, and mace wielding mystic Tooke (in any combination so you can have 4 Robins) are out to steal the treasure of the state and/or against another thieving team of their own doppelgangers (pvp). First you need to pick pocket the key from the sheriff, an unkillable knight tank who can one shot execute any of you, then use it to open the vault some where on the level, take the heavy treasure chest from within and walk it down to the docks to hoist it (in a long defense sequence) onto the ship - all while not alerting (yeah right) or fighting through the soldiers coming after you. I found this to be really cool, but at the same time not being able to start a solo mission, long downtime if you are killed and a low player count makes it a hard one to suggest.


This Italian detective horror game has a really nice art style, intentionally cramped spaces, really bright matches, a party system and a somewhat scary though very noisy monster. What kills it for me are logic loops like this: to turn on lights in the mine I need to flip a switch at the dam but that's locked and the key is in the boarded up town hall which needs tools from the (still dark) mine to open. Huh? Why do horror games always turn into stupid fetch quests...

Geneforge I Mutagen

This RPG game lets you play as a "shaper" (or shaper adjacent), magicians who can make things come to life (commonly raptor type dinos), and plays a little like Ultima Online but switches to a turn based mode (without changing the view) if you get into battle. While it is dated, my main problem here is how tiny the graphics are - with no option to zoom. When your character is the size of your little fingernail on the screen, you can imagine how small the loot graphic is. Maybe one I'd put more effort in if there weren't more modern things for me to play.


This point and click detective game has a decent interface, a unique skill system where you spend personality traits you gain from talking to buy said skills, and some nice art. In it you are a VR detective, going into games to find people who either have gone missing or are wanting to hide. Your available skills actually determine what you can solve though, and the initial quest hook is weak at best.


A side scrolling beat em up like Golden Axe, only set in the Amazon with cute, hand drawn graphics. Definitely designed for cooperative play but ultimately its just a button masher with or without friends. Controller recommended.

The Silent Age

This point and click adventure has you working as a janitor at some fancy R&D company where you rather quickly get involved in time travel ridiculousness. While the puzzles are pretty straight forward and the game itself isn't very long, finding the items or the spots to click on can be the challenge - especially since most rooms exist in two states: the present and the future. 

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