Sunday, 9 March 2025

Annihilation and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Movies about getting wiped out.


In this sci-fi horror, a biology professor (Natalie Portman) volunteers to be part of a team of scientists (who apparently are also all firearms trained) to investigate an alien shimmering zone that is slowly expanding from a meteor crash site. Inside is much prettier than Stalker's zone of exclusion, but pretty much just as bad. Big thumbs up to the set design and digital stage creators for making an awesome visual display, but the actors rarely were looking at the right thing and the plot is predictable. I thought these people were meant to be smart? Only recommended for Natalie Portman fans.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Talking about predictable plots... LOL. Prior to most of the other Transformer movies, a plot device was hidden away on Earth by time traveling giant robotic animals (Maximals) but of course bad robots are after said key and this gets Optimus Prime and his crew involved. As well as some broke dude who decides a life of crime is the only way to get money because there needed to be some human involved right? Alas outside of the impressive CGI, there's nothing really new here outside of adding more characters that the writers are generally too afraid to kill ("someone needs to think of the -children- fans!"). Would it be a better movie with a higher death count? Yes. All of them would be. Recommended only for Transformers fans.

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