Tuesday 18 July 2023

The Chess Campaign - Blitz 21 to 30 (221)

[Part of the Chess Campaign]

Apparently there are weekly player "leagues" on chess.com and I've graduated from the first one, the Wood League, by being one of the top 20 players in my division! That's not really a feat though as many other players in my division simply didn't play during the week giving them a score of 0, which is pretty easy to beat. Up next is the Stone League where the top 15 players of the week will advance. 

Also, for those more knowledgeable about chess, it occurs to me that some of my terms aren't so accurate because when I say "Queen's Gambit", it's not actually always the actual Queen's Gambit - I just do the same moves as white regardless because I'm silly. :D

21. yannmz: I was black and apparently played an "Italian" game? Whatever that is. An early misclick (mouse + finger fail LOL) led to my easy downfall. (245) down to (227).

22. Bot9687: I was black and goofed up by using an Albin counter to a non existent Queen's Gambit (he didn't use it). Obviously this did not go well for me as I proceeded to get slaughtered down to a single pawn and my king. However, using tactics that worked against me previously, I opted to be spry and just dodged his towers, bishop and knight (killing the last two) and still won using the clock. Sometimes you don't have to be smart, you just have to be FAST! (227) up to (239).

23. Theclown9: I was black and haven't played for a few days, but did that down time really lead to me making so many silly errors? Maybe. I lost easily. (239) down to (221)

24. scoottl_eo: I was white and he used an odd defense, all stacking up in one corner... I'm assuming it was the KID (King's Indian Defense) but haven't studied that one too much as there's too many variations of it. It was effective, but since he was also a thinker I just went for steady development and defense and won on time. If he had a few more minutes I'm sure he would have got me. Victory (221) up to (234).

25. bofisal: I was white and used Queen's Gambit which he declined, but then brought his queen out early and was on the backfoot trying to keep her safe. Fast but certain moves are really good when there's time clock pressure. Victory (234) up to (254).

26. miguelcorrales12: I was white and used Queen's Gambit for the win (on time). I'm still impressed by how quickly it sets up my pieces for attack and buys precious seconds against the opponent. I really need to find one of these for when I play black. (254) up to (267).

27. ElTiol: I was black and lost my queen in the first three moves from his kings's pawn opening. Taking a call while playing is a bad idea! LOL. I think I still did ok despite that, and while I certainly wasn't winning the board I could stave off the attackers until they ran out of time. (267) up to (279).

28. demian2305: I was white and Queen's Gambit worked well, to the point where he forfieted by disconnection. Pity since on his next move he could have got my queen for free (i left it hanging, sigh). Victory (279) up to (293).

29. salome_ramirez18: My fastest game so far, I was black and she resigned after 5 moves when my bishop caught her queen from a knight pin. (293) up to (303).

30. igoralmeidam: Another fast game where I was black, he was very aggressive and had me on the back foot but resigned on move 12 when my rampager knight got a nice king / queen fork. (303) up to (319).

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