Wednesday 26 April 2023

Wildermyth: Bury the Tower

[Part of the Cursed story line]

With the Mothqueen finally in the tower Kaydo orders the team to run while he holds a magic duel against her, but they still have to protect from the other endless things him WHILE getting out. Everyone somehow makes it, and Kaydo seals himself in there with the Mothqueen forever. Disconnected from their matriarch goddess the remaining bugs mostly return to their own dimension (lol yep).

Soon after Captain Bear self detonates and Jaymriel goes full wolf form and runs rampant passing on lycanthropy to many innocents before she becomes enslaved by the gorgons. Unwilling to do the same Yoburt gets Sir Igwane to execute him while Kayruen takes root by a nearby stream and becomes a tree (Side note: the tree transformation sucks as you get slower and slower while only gaining toughness and melee skills).

The remaining survivors led by Lady Kamea then begin the arduous task of burying the entire tower so that no one will accidentally ever open it. Worst victory party ever.

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