Saturday 22 April 2023

Wildermyth: Inside at Last

[Part of the Cursed story line]

"The Deepking, like most of his kind, probably keeps his treasures on the top floor of the place. Close to his heart...and far from his servants."

The war against the Deepists continues for many months while Garrett scouts a way to the Deepking's underground castle. Baeloth (of all people) joins the fight to aid the heroes, acting as some sort of conduit to for giant bugs that offer their aid in fighting the Deepists (possibly because they want those tunnels the Deepists live in).

Once Garrett makes it back, he assembles a squad consisting of Dranalla, Anythera, Milly and Trynne to assassinate the Deepking. Stealth goes out the window pretty quickly as the team must rush forward through Deepist guards while endless Deepist reinforcements come up their rear. It's a trap!

Luckily they reach the Deepking and his new Deepqueen Krisztian (side note: this game is very LGBTQ+ friendly) who put up a decent fight with all their AoE attacks but are unable to kill anyone before being slain themselves. Being shown the decapitated head of their monarch makes the remaining Deepists flee back into hiding where they continue to get massacred by the giant bugs that follow them there. It isn't long before the bugs decide to try do the same to the surface dwellers.

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