Tuesday 24 October 2023

Pathfinder: The Glassworks

[Part of the Party Time journal

Following their only lead to find the missing Ameiko, the party heads to the local glassworks and find it buttoned up pretty good. Merisiel (mom) picks the lock of one of the doors and sneaks in to find a group of eight goblins playing with the corpses of dead staff members so Ezren (Juris) gets to use his scroll of fireball to hurt five of them, with two fleeing out another door while the remainder rush the heroes and get wiped out. Among the dead is the owner of the glassworks and richest man in town, Ameiko's father.

In the basement below the team are ambushed by the two goblins that fled and Ameiko's evil half brother monk(?) who is totally ineffective against Valeros (me) and is cornered and cut down easily. With all the enemies dead the party searches the nearby rooms to find Ameiko badly beaten up and is brought back to fighting strength by Kyra (Rose). As an ex-adventurer she is keen to vent her frustrations by joining the team to investigate the newly opened tunnels that her half brother and goblin crew had opened up, using the spare gear Valeros hadn't gotten around to selling yet.

The twisting passage eventually leads to some sort of evil temple that is home to three sinspawn (whose "kisses" inflict dirty thoughts), eleven ancient zombies whom Kyra destroys with Sarenrae's channeled energy, a mutated three armed goblin and a Vargouille (whose kiss is basically its method of reproduction, which Valeros just barely avoids!). A female quasit is the boss of this zone and proves to be VERY tough to deal with as not only does she summon a giant centipede, giant spider and sinspawn from a glowy pool - she also turns invisible and regenerates which is super annoying!

It makes the mistake of throwing a tiny dagger which returns to her position though, so the party can track her down especially when Valeros manages to hook her onto his grappling hook by some D20 miracle! In retaliation she enfeebles the warrior and sends Kyra and Ameiko running away in magical induced terror but Merisiel and Ezren manage to put it down. Once recovered, the party then bleeds the quasit into the glowing pool to spawn and defeat more sinspawn until the glow is totally gone before being confident that their work here is done.

They then return to town to report their findings, especially the monk's journal that indicates the goblins have a much larger attack planned... once they've raised their "god" or something.

Decluttering Day 2: 2021 Cat Calendar

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