Saturday 28 July 2018

Blaugust Prep Week: Build Bridges

Most blogs have some sort of number tracker on the back end that give bloggers an indication of how many readers their site is getting, but more inspiring is getting comments from readers on your posts. That's a much better sign that you aren't just shouting into the void.

Today's advice can be taken as a mini-challenge for this Blaugust: Everyday, comment on someone else's blog. It doesn't have to be the same one constantly, it doesn't have to be super long, and it doesn't have to always be positive or agreeable (but try not to be a douchebag).

Not only do you make someone else's day better, you will also make connections with other people who share your blogging hobby. Reciprocated or not, this will help you get your name out there and more importantly builds up your community with which you can share ideas, dreams, thoughts. After all, a conversation is usually better than a soliloquy.

I think that's a pretty big part of Blaugust is and it should be something that continues well after.

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