Thursday 15 August 2024

Blades in the Heart: A Powerful Alliance

[Part of the Party Time journal]  

Before returning to base, the team visits a haunted hospital where they find documented proof that the Lord Governor signed off on creating a disease to target specific heritages but it got out of control leading him to choose to abandon the district and those left in it.

After resting, they confront him about it at the town hall where (vampire) Lady Freya Orlais has just won the election for High Seat which was once Lady Drake's throne of power. Rose minorly alters reality to have scheduled a meeting with the Lord Governor and they do so in a back room where Juris tries to blackmail him with the evidence, however he reveals that when he did try to stop it the Emperor himself maimed him, and so pushed forward with his lead scientist Elon.

They then try convince him to help them stand against the Emperor to which he makes them prove themselves first, transforming into a demonic form that catches Cabrita's (mom's) rifle bullet, throwing it back at her and easily dispatching DL's three clones - a skill he just recently learned (and a direct copy of Naruto's kage-bunshin). Juris manages to weaken the Lord Governor by putting him into a domain of sunless snow, and for some reason all the party is riding polar bears, and Rose capitalizes on this by forcing him to kneel (power word), which is tough for a cripple - demon or not.

Defeated, Lord Governor Kotar agrees to assist them should the time come and warns them that the Emperor will come for them should he learn of their godling powers as he has an appetite for eating gods (which is how he got so powerful). Happy with this result the team then head to the last ritual site that Lord Elon had mentioned to them previously in the farmlands of Barrowcleft, but it turns out the missing farm hands were being fed to monstrous plants by an unscrupulous gardener who bought strange seeds from a prison guard. After feeding the crook to her own plants they decide to visit the best information agent in town, Matt Demon.

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