Friday 16 August 2024

Blades in the Heart: GTFO

[Part of the Party Time journal]  

Matt suggests looking for a ritual site in Ironhook prison since a number of cultists had turned themselves in recently, but Warden Pope will only let them in as arrested prisoners. At an impasse, the squad backs off and Juris sends one of his hulls to get a warrant from the Lord Governor while DL uses his turning into mist ability to scout out the prison, finding most of the cells empty and an ominous deep hole within.

Reporting back to the others they decide their investigation can't wait and so mom rolls really well to stealth them into the cell blocks via the dockside entrance where they meet the prisoner Tarvul, patriarch of the Charhollow butchers they had previously befriended. He reveals the warden has been sending down people from "isolation" to scout out the hole and to return with relics from it, and confirms that a large group of cultists had descended a few days ago. Mom gains the ability to regenerate around this point, meaning apart from quick healing she can no longer die to anything but her death manifest - but since that is just left as a vague "violently" it doesn't really make her immortal.

After freeing Tarvul he accompanies them down, warning them to watch their lights and noise as there are creatures that live down here. Hairless, faceless humanoids with big mouths (yep, I totally went with GTFO). The excellent stealth rolls stopped here and the team basically fights their way through the sleepers with a big fight getting a security door to open. DL makes good use of the Ungalaboonga bomb to explode a huge chunk of the "endless" wave which only stops spawning once the alarm is finished.

This encounter with aliens is the last of Juris' dream tasks and thus gains a final "kamikaze" ability to turn into the avatar of the forest god. He can become any giant animal and gain ridiculous power but only for a 10 clock, which he can't stop once started. At the end of which, he explodes into a forest and is basically retired from the game. Juris also tries to eat some of the aliens and for it gains intense constipation. :P

Beyond the door they find the ritual site with a lone priestess whom mom snipes before she even notices them. They destroy the ritual and make their way back up to find Warden Pope waiting for them at the surface, upset that they broke in. The Lord Governor is there too though and tells thim to let them go. This would have been fine but then Juris had to open his big mouth...

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