Tuesday 3 October 2023

Elden Ring: Didn't expect pathetic sort

[Part of my Elden Ring journal]

You know you are late in playing a game when the very first room is full of player made graffiti. It isn't very long until I run into the first monstrosity which... my brain still fails to comprehend what it was... easily defeats me after only taking a few hits in return.

I awaken in some sort of training cave with only a lucky medallion in my possession and a hefty stick I can use as a club (decided to start as a level 1 wretch). The "training" zombies here are easy enough as is their zombie soldier boss who just needs some basic dodging. Beyond them is an elevator to the surface where I get to see just how expansive these lands are!

While some holy light directs me to go in a particular direction I find it too risky as its patrolled by either a massive giant or a heavily mounted knight, both of whom I don't really want to tangle with while I'm just in my underwear. I opt to follow the border South instead, skirting around a swamp and bashing in a few giant bats to reach the lands of monkey men. One of them drops a falchion but I can't use it because apparently I'm weaker than a monkey. LOL.

But I'm sneakier than a monkey!


  1. Ah yes, the "advanced start" of the wretch.

    I actually wantched a vid of someone who did a speed run as a wretch and... he did in fact complete the entire game and was still level 1 at the end. Took him about 70 minutes start to finish, IIRC. i was very impressed.

    Since it's an open world, there is loot lying about and he knew right where one of the better axes in the game was easily accessible and beelined for that, then was able to use that for the rest of the run.

    1. That's impressive and definitely not something I'll be trying! Just the regular Elden experience for me thanks... :P
