Sunday 24 November 2013

Darklands: You begin in a Tavern

This is part of The Darklands story.

It was a strange dream of a gargoyle that inspired the 40 year old, retired bishop named "Syp the Elder" to go adventuring. He felt it was a message from heaven itself to help cure the land of its sin. Unwilling to see the many good reasons to enjoy retired life, one of his students named "Ravanel Swift" decided to accompany him to try keep him out of trouble. Being twenty years younger meant she was far more sprightly than the old bishop, but Syp knew they'd need a guide to lead them through the wilderness that the other two had been sheltered from their whole lives.

Fortunately Ravanel knew of just the person to help, "Gypsy Syl" a bard and vagabond of 30 years whose tales Ravanel would often listen to at taverns after her lectures. The worldly Syl was a bit hesitant to join the group at first especially being at odds with the pious bishop but was convinced by the younger girl to stay.

The final member of the group was one recruited by Syp. He knew that apart from a guide they would also need a strong guard to help protect them as they travelled the lands to do God's work. The only one available who was up to such a task was the 35 year old veteran soldier "Bhagpuss Catman". A stern warrior proficient in many forms of weaponry.

With the team assembled, the question that everyone asked simultaneously was... what now?

Syp had a follow up question.


  1. I knew it! Syp is a loot whore!

  2. I think that might be the most pragmatic PC I've ever seem. Usually player characters in these games are more than happy to start off with just some rusty dagger and some rags. On this one there is finally a player character who worries about proper gear before they begin adventuring! XD

    I look forward to see how the rest of this series will turn out. :)

    1. Indeed! They actually do a bunch of cool things in this game, and I for one really believes it deserves a make-over. Kick starter anyone? :)

  3. OMG, I take a small break from blogging and I miss all the interesting stories right away. I'm so looking forward to reading this. Also, I love how the characters fit the bloggers so well (although, not so sure about how religious Syp is xD). Did you know the in-game title Ravanel (the lore-master, in LotRO) uses is student of the Past? ^^

    1. Heh - I was just using best guess for creating everyone (especially with the ages), but I always slightly align the professions towards what I actually want to try out. :P
