Tuesday 17 September 2024

Pathfinder: Wet Skull

[Part of the Party Time journal]  

Almost immediately after clearing the fort the party hears the (magically audio boosted) alarm bell from Turtleback Ferry so they trek back there to find a third of the place now being consumed by flooding. Valeros and Merisiel ford the dangerous waters with ropes to save some kids and their teacher stuck in a turtle shell boat, dealing with a giant snake also being washed by the flood while they're at it. Once the civilians are saved they use the same boat to bring Kyra, Ezren and Shay forward to try save a church full of people stuck in the flood waters.

Also en route to the church is a giant water creature Loch Ness, the Black Maga, who the party manage to piss off enough so that it changes its focus to them. Ezren is the only one who saves against its confusing breath attack and basically the party is very much at the mercy of this ancient creature who has an easy time swatting them around (when they're not attacking each other lol). Inexplicably the beasty decides to not wipe out the party and instead leaves / gets washed away with the water.

Once they come to their senses the party saves the church goers (though, not really as the flood waters are subsiding by that point) and get to rest like heroes. Briefly. They are then tasked to check out the dam at Skull's Crossing (which is heavy on the Skull motif) as the flooding issue might be related so they head up there, parting ways with Baldy who takes some villagers to help clean up the Black Arrow fort.

At the dam the party discovers it being sabotaged by ogres so they get up there and slay them, including an ettin and a troll family living within (apart from a sea troll who manages to elude them by swimming away). In a side chamber Merisiel has a close call against a robot skull scorpion guarding the dam controls but they destroy it before anyone gets killed.

Ezren then works out the magical dam is powered by the life force of sacrificial summons, in this case a super weak pit fiend. To do a controlled flood and alleviate the danger, Kyra uses a summoned creature to help power it for emergency operations which Ezren handles - destroying the summon and the pit fiend in the process.

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