Monday 9 September 2024

Pathfinder: The Real Ogres

[Part of the Party Time journal]  

With Ezren's owl, Stolas, providing "drone footage" information the heroes along with Shay and the Black Arrows eventually decide to try lure out the ogre guards from the fort via a flaming sphere that explodes the "blocked" Eastern gate of the place. Sure enough, ogres start pouring out from both of the fortress gates led by a tall red one DL likes to call "Carly"?

Half the ogres are handled by Valeros' flamethrower along with the Black Arrows and Kibb (who is the only one to take damage in this group), while the rest including Carly are dealt with with Kyra's AoEs and summoned bear and eagle (both destroyed by Carly), Ezren's AOEs and magic missiles, Merisiel's archery and javelin of lightning and Shay's archery, ending the first wave of fifteen. Apart from the animals none of the assaulters are damaged yet, but that changes quickly as Ezren sends forth a silent image to see if there are any more ogres lying in wait and five more spring from hiding.

Two of the five are special big boys though and they do manage to get into melee range with the first one slaying Baldy with a ridiculous one shot overkill. Kibb is also lucky to survive retreating against a free hit before Valeros finally gets into position to tank them down. Kyra uses the beginner ressurection scroll she's hanging onto to revive Baldy but semi-fails as the result is simply delayed an hour, which is fine as the team had retreated back to the forest to camp briefly to regain spells (Ezren only needs two hours now thanks to a magic ring bought in Magnimar).

With Stolas not finding any more movement the squad heads through a secret passage near a waterfall where they collect much needed arrows then ignore some cute lightning lizards and banish a ghost before looping around to the castle proper. Valeros smashes the door down... stealthily? And then Merisiel leads the team in pretty much ganking the individual rooms of ogres who are no match for them until they get upstairs to face the daddy ogre. This guy is nasty and survives lots of big attacks while also ganking Stamp with criticals (190-ish damage)?

The last major battle is with a lady in the basement, who turns out to also be an annoying lamia matriarch (and is the ogre's boss). Her six attacks are quite deadly at the start, but then Ezren lands a ray of enfeeblement on her which makes her much more manageable with party members able to risk the free hits to step into the room to surround her. Merisiel eventually finishes her off and DL announces we have officially cleared the fort! Too bad for Stamp, we found evidence that he was the traitor who helped the ogres in so he can stay dead.

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