Wednesday 19 June 2024

Blades in the Heart: The Old North Port

[Part of the Party Time journal]

As soon as our heroes exit the faux light cycle within the barrier into the cold and unforgiving darkness they are set upon by ghosts but Juris simply commands them to fight each other and succeeds. They do notice that the lighthouse here is strangely active though so they make their way towards it and through some fluff ball filled space which DL recognized (for being a Severosi) at a form of attack by a pair of giant fluff ball centipedes lying in wait (yah, just like the one in Scavengers Reign)! Again though, these are no match for Juris whose Lord of Nature ability simply lets him order these bugs away.   

Approaching the light house they discover the light to actually be burning, AND it's stopped randomly turning and instead trying to target them - but with good rolls they all make it to the door and spot Priestess Aranna here manning a ritual site. Mom lands a head shot with her rifle but the Priestess simply shatters like shards of glass into hundreds of little cockroaches that begin climbing up to the top of the light house. Since the ritual site is right here they decide to step out while Juris lightnings it to destroy it, which is successful but doesn't damage the structure.

They also come face to face with a gigantic rhino / ape summoned horror who is impervious to DL's sword and knocks Rose away, but Rose gets her revenge by succeeding to command it to "just die already", at which point it breaks its own neck and collapses into a pile of quickly evaporating goo. For this Rose unlocks her first dream power - given to her by the man of her dreams (I'm kind of hoping thats me lol) - which is the invisible blink: she turns invisible if she closes her eyes (much to the amusement of the table).

While mom hides below (to complete a dream task), Rose starts climbing up the lighthouse with her eyes closed but DL beats her to the top using circular breathing, reforming right behind the priestess and kicking her off the tall structure to her death (and Juris starts eating her)! The light then slightly burns DL but then is shattered when Rose blinks in at point blank to destroy it with her pistol. With this spirit anchor destroyed, the anchored burning spirit is gone too. Not willing to waste any more time out here the team quickly return into the barrier to recover and regroup.

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