Tuesday 4 April 2023

GTFO: ALT R1C1 - Reconnect

Some major load out changes for this first C level which is basically a long tunnel North with 0 alarm security doors followed by an 8 wave reactor sequence! This is what we brought for our winning run:

Jim: Rifle/Machine Gun/Sniper Sentry/Hammer
DL: DMR/Hel Gun/Burst Sentry/Hammer
Me: SMG/Burst Cannon/Burst Sentry/Hammer
[Bot]: DMR/Hel Gun/Sniper Sentry/Hammer

To save some time, don't bother stealthing. Shoot everything on the way to the reactor as there's a lot of gear around. Most important is prior to starting the reactor, move all kits that are 4+ closer to the reactor and max out on the 3- use kits. If all maxed the low use kits should be the furthest from you in setup. While you'll never make it back to the first chamber for supplies during the hold, the next "furthest" room will be reachable in the interims at around wave 5 onwards.

Our defense setup was on the bridge next to a cart (where DL stationed himself). Two sniper sentries near the big hole FACING towards us and the reactor (to shoot things in the back), two burst sentries on the bridge at the rear of the cart where enemies have to funnel. Jim, the [Bot] and myself stationed behind those guns.

REACTOR_STARTUP gets the thing going after a team scan (you have enough time to get to position) but after each wave someone has to run back and type in REACTOR_VERIFY XXXX where XXXX is the four letter word on your screen before time runs out (in our group that was me). I'd hold off until 10 seconds left to give time for everyone else to grab and restock using the kits. Hybrids (spike heads) will show up in the later rounds and if anyone is in the cart they'd better have a medkit as there is no cover from their barrage.

Once all waves are done, return to the drop point together as things will be spawning to get you. Hold at extraction for a little bit (yes you will need to shoot stuff) and GTFO!

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