Sunday 31 December 2017

Happy New Year - 2018!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful (and safe) New Years Eve! I did, killing time till the stroke of midnight playing a great round of Zombicide: Black Plague where my uncle (first time player) was the MVP! :)

I'm trying resolutions again this year, because I did absolutely terribly on them last time! :P
  1. Relearn my old compositions (5 songs - I do have recordings to work of)
  2. Complete chapter 1 of my web comic (harder than it sounds, given my track record)
  3. End the Year with less weight than I started (Carefully worded so I have a chance!)
  4. Finish a board game prototype that I'm happy with (good luck me!)
Are any of you doing any resolutions? Or is everyone else smart enough to stay away from them?

Lastly, here are the current blog survivor stats of my "one post every three weeks" rule.

I have been slack adding new bridges though.


  1. Happy New Year!! Looking forward to more of your epic story playthroughs!

  2. My poor Neverwinter blog keeps falling off because I don't give it enough regular love. ;D

    1. Haha, don't worry Shintar - I'll be adding a bunch back to the list sometime this month, and yours will be first! ^_^
