Monday, 2 December 2013

December Difficulties

Hello all. Due to my father having a stroke recently the updates to this blog will be fluctuating somewhat,  as real life always takes precedence over my virtual one(s). This will probably mean December will see less activity than usual but I thought I'd still put up a list of the things that I'd like to try get done game or blog wise. Some items have carried over from the last list and as usual if it's on there hen there's a good chance I'll blog about it, though I doubt I'll get through all of it this month.

My to do list for December (no particular order):


  1. RL comes before blogging! my get well wishes to your father, I hope all will be fine. don't worry about blog updates - the blogosphere will still be here when you return. :)

  2. Somewhate late but I hope your father recovers well. And like Syl said, real life first. Blogging is fun but it isn't as important as spending time with family and friends. And when you have time for it, it will still be here and we'll still be reading. :)
