The solution was pretty simple of course, I just had to actually introduce myself to the blog community and boy was I surprised when a great number of them suddenly decided to put up links to my humble blog! Suddenly people were actually reading and commenting on some of my posts and I must say that's a pretty good, motivational feeling.
If you are a blogger new or old who doesn't yet introduced themselves then I highly recommend you do so, and perhaps the best way to do that is to sign up to the Newbie Blogger Initiative (aka NBI) as I did last year because not only will it improve all those statistics you are not supposed to care about (*cough*) but because you will gain a wealth of knowledge, a slew more ideas to blog about or counter blog about, and perhaps even a few more friends. ^_^
What the NBI did for my page views last year.
And hey, if it's not for you then you can easily burn all those bridges after you try it out. You don't really lose anything by giving it a go.