Thursday 11 July 2024

Guardians of the Galaxy: A Big Deal

[Part of Superhero Stories]

It was quite the sight from the metal cat walk, a whole platoon of Nova Corps troopers on their knees worshiping a "floating old guy" as Mantis had described, but Peter could see that the strange worm he had accidentally released earlier was hugging the old man's back like a leech, and the orange gem was implanted in his forehead. "Did you really need to see it for yourself!?" hissed Mantis angrily as she snuck up beside him with Drax and Gamora not far behind. "Yeah... I..." stammered Peter before he noticed Drax suddenly stand upright as if possessed, a purple glow eminating from his eyes. "My friends!" announced Drax while addressing the Guardians and catching the attention of all those below. "Come join us in the promise!"

Of course Drax would beat Gamora.

Catching Gamora by surprise, Drax grabbed her by the back of the neck like a kitten and threw her over the side but her assassin reflexes let her twist into a position that took both of them over to fall to the level below. "GAMORA! DRAX!" yelled Peter but Mantis quickly grabbed his hand and led him back the way they came, all the way to the hangar bay where other ships had begun to dock - their crews mindlessly shuffling forward towards worship with the same purple glow in their eyes. As if by instinct Peter just powered up the Milano and took off out of there, dodging the other ships arriving around the Nova Corps cruiser.

Once they were out at a safe distance, Peter killed the thrusters and put his head in his hands. "We have to go back," he said as Mantis put a hand on his shoulder. "Peter, they've got an ever growing army over there and we just have the two of us. Even if we could ask for help from anyone, who is to say they wouldn't be affected too?" Peter sighed. "This is my fault Mantis. I've got to fix this."

"I understand... but could you maybe drop me off somewhere first?" asked Mantis sheepishly. "Don't worry," Peter replied with sudden confidence. "I've got a plan. What do you say to being an advisor to a powerful ruler?" Mantis blinked her big eyes in confusion as she soon found herself in the throne room of Lady Hellbender.

"Peter Quill, I am not running an Earth pawn shop. All transactions are final," spoke the leotard-clad giant of woman. "Lady Hellbender, I'm offering you all your units back plus this empath to serve as your advisor." She looked at Mantis from head to toe, appraising her value. "And you, little one. Is this what you truly want?" Mantis took a minute to think.

"Well... at first I was like really scared, but I can tell you really are passionate about your collection. And you have really cute pets too, so yes - I think this benefits all of us."

Lady Hellbender smiled at this. "Very well, Peter Quill. You have a deal."

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