Sunday 23 June 2024

Four more Epics (Sail Forth, Orcs Must Die 3, Circus Electrique and The Big Con)

Tried and skipped, but maybe these are what you are looking for?

Sail Forth

This is a cute sailing game with one major problem for me: I didn't like the sailing controls. That's a pretty big issue since the entire game is sailing, and I never got to the cooler ideas like managing a fleet and such. It might just be a me thing but if you are faced with the same issue I can recommend Windbound which is much better (but a little different since there's a survival component to that one).

Orcs must Die III

In this tower defense game you (and possibly a friend in two player co-op) need to stop the steady waves of orcs from reaching the thing they're not supposed to reach! Place deadly traps and upgrade them and your own weapons between levels to keep them out. Decent graphics but solo tower defense is dull for me. Two player would be better, but with that frame of mind four player would be even better by simply switching game to Dungeon Defenders which is really neat (and we really got into it back in the day). That said Dungeon Defenders is more traps reliant so if you like fighting things yourself, you might prefer this one.

Circus Electrique

The reopening of your local circus has caused the local robot / android populace to go mad. Now it's up to you to continue to hire performers and send them out into combat ala Darkest Dungeon style while also running the circus, because apparently everyone else doesn't care about this strange turn of events and still come in droves to be entertained. An unexpected union of genres with some decent art and easy to understand mechanics but for those who have already played Darkest Dungeon this might not be "the next best thing". That said it is easier than Darkest Dungeon so if you wanted that type of "row of four of your guys fighting a row of four bad guys" type thing that isn't so punishing, this might be your jam.

The Big Con

Faced with the prospect of losing property to debt, you set out to make money the best way you know how: by making other people lose property through swindling and theft! Not sure what the game is trying to teach people here and it has an art style that you might other dig or hate, but because it is the most unique of these four I spent the most time with it especially since it rewards exploration and there are a ton of optional things you can do to reach your target dollar figure faster. Not a bad game in the entertaining sense but it might pose some moral issues? Haha, yeah if they let me kill the people before/after robbing them then it would be ok right? I think my compass is broken. :P

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