Sunday 19 May 2024

Physical: 100 (2 Seasons so far)

Looking for the "perfect" body...

In this Korean series, 100 athletic people from all walks of life are invited to compete to see which body is superior. I'll get my main negative out of the way now, as the first half of the first episode in both seasons is basically people coming in and saying "Oh hello," and getting a quick blurb of how they were a gold medalist / fire fighter / strong man / soldier whatever. They don't do all 100 but they do quiiiite a lot!

It picks up after all the "hello's".

With that out of the way all the cool stuff happens, which this show refers to as quests. It might be hanging from a bar as long as you can or getting the most distance running on a treadmill in x minutes - and those are just the preliminary quests! The demand for feats of physicality and tactics progressively increase with each quest and the sharp editing, constant elimination of around 50% of participants per quest and the segments where they have to team up makes it a very interesting show to watch (where was that sharp editing at the start guys?). Awesome show - highly recommend and am looking forward to watching the next one!

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