Tuesday 30 April 2024

Sisu and Rebel Moon - Part 2: The Scargiver

Movies with high improbability.


Finland, World War II. An old gold prospector trying to distance himself from the war strikes it rich and begins his journey to the bank. Unfortunately a platoon of Nazi's decide to try get in his way. Unfortunate for them that is! This funny and violent flick stays that shallow for the whole thing, and I'm glad that most of the speech is in English. Our heavily plot armored hero encounters a lot of unlikely situations but all are quite entertaining.  A good movie if you just want to see some old fashioned "one good guy takes down a lot of bad guys". Recommended!

Rebel Moon - Part 2: The Scargiver

The continuation of this space Seven Samurai flick features a lot more action than the first outing which is both good and bad. Good in that the action scenes are nice with plenty slow motion artistry and cool CGI, bad that story wise you will either not care or just hate some of the protagonists, especially if you didn't watch the first movie. The opening narration tries its best to get you up to speed if you haven't seen it but you'll encounter a lot of "why is this person doing this" and "where did this thing come from" questions. I think the writers realized this problem and shoved in a montage string sequence at one part to try put a backstory to some of them but I'm not sure it got the effect they intended. Anyway, it's still an improvement on the first movie at least.

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